RONNIE GALE DREYER is an internationally known astrological consultant, author, lecturer, and teacher specializing in Western and Indian astrology. She is also certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, which is the study of location and relocation. Ronnie uses the best techniques of each system in her practice, and was among the first wave of astrologers who travelled East and introduced Indian astrology to Western audiences. Based in New York City, she has clients and students throughout the world, ranging from the ordinary to the extraordinary, with teachers, politicians, salesmen, doctors, bookkeepers, sports figures, professors, and movie stars among their professions. Ronnie has the unique ability to explain your horoscope to you in whichever system resonates with you.
She lectures extensively for astrology groups and conducts ongoing courses and webinars on all subjects. Ronnie has been on the faculty of conferences throughout the world (including United Astrology Conference [UAC], ISAR [International Society for Astrological Research], NCGR [National Council for Geocosmic Research], Association for Asian Studies, and the World Sanskrit Conference), taught at the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA), and was Guest Lecturer for the M.A. Distance Learning Program in Cultural Astronomy at University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Ronnie is the author of Vedic Astrology, Venus, Healing Signs, Your Sun and Moon Guide to Love and Life, and Indian Astrology. Her books have been translated into Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, and Bulgarian. She has contributed to numerous anthologies, ranging from a chapter in Religious Transformation in Modern Asia (co-authored with Dr. Nicholas Campion), to chapters in Under One Sky, Astrology for Women, and Hindu Astrology Lessons. She has written gift books, columns, articles and book reviews for Mountain Astrologer, Nylon, Dell Horoscope, American Astrology, Horoscope Guide, and many more.
Ronnie holds a B.A. in English and Theater from the University of New Mexico, and an M.A. in South Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University. Her master’s thesis was a translation and analysis of five chapters on women’s astrology from a Sanskrit text. Ronnie learned Jyotisa in Benares, India where she studied with Muralil Sharma, a mathematics professor at Sanskrit University, and Deoki Nandan Shastri, a commercial astrologer. She holds the NCGR Level IV certificate (C.A. PAA-NCGR).
Ronnie co-founded the first astrological computer service in the Netherlands where she lived for 13 years and worked in the publishing industry as manuscript reader and editorial consultant of new age and self-help books. She is currently Editorial Director of Words and Things Press.
Her participation in the astrological community spans many years as memberletter editor for NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) from 1999-2017, secretary of AFAN (Association for Astrological Networking) from 1992-1998, and its presiding officer from 1999-2003. Her awards include Jyotish Kovid and Jyotish Vachaspati from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Jim Lewis Community Service Award from AFAN, and the Marion D. March Regulus Award for Community Service.